The variable competitive landscape scan for predictive analytics 2024.07

Predictive analytics is a specialized category within the broader analytics ecosystem. The tooling sounds useful, as those who are able to predict the future are able to increase their sense of calm about it...

The variable competitive landscape scan for predictive analytics 2024.07

Predictive analytics is a specialized category within the broader analytics ecosystem. The tooling sounds useful, as those who are able to predict the future are able to increase their sense of calm about it, and perhaps intervene against it, and tends to be a frequent target for democratization among new entrants. Here are a few highlights from the most recent competitive landscape scan.


Microsoft wins its branded words azure, microsoft, and power bi. They make some reference to openai, and emphasize data. still generates considerable volume on its own, just not as much as microsoft.


Comparing against — the latter generates more volume off service, language, bi, and data than IBM.

variable helps business leaders drive growth with competitive landscape scans. That means empowering you to put differentiation at the centre of what you do: your leadership strategy.

The variable competitive landscape scan for predictive analytics 2024.07

39 Pages | 10 winning brands | US Coverage
